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Program tour

Embrace the transformation journey

Bring agility to reality, re-think your models and overcome complexity with a comprehensive approach. Trust us in creating the future with you.

Fluid Program

A Renewable Subscription Based Program, with a holistic approach adapted to your organization’s needs and characteristics.
Context Assessment Setup

Environment characterization through the Agility Journey Framework, evaluating the complexity and conflict levels.


Program rollout plan based on context assessment and according to the client's ambition.

Program Implementation

Fluid components activation in an integrated way: monitor and support the implementation, while making regular assessments to plan the next adoption strategy.

Continuously upgrade your processes and leadership. Review and adapt based on crucial inputs given by the program. 

Helping leaders and teams achieving a high level of agility and create real value.

Timings Timings
Setup | 1 month 

Execution |  >1 month onward
Constant support Constant support
Workshops and training sessions

Consultation meetings and regular assessments

We’ve done it before

Connecting the dots

Connecting the dots

The Client, a global Insurance company, had several ongoing transformation initiatives which shared common strategic goals but were being operated independently. Deloitte applied Fluid to tackle this opportunity and help achieve overall consistency and transparency across these siloed initiatives.

Deloitte created a Portfolio Transformation Office (PTO) that established the governance and tooling to manage the intersections across programs, enabling ongoing transparency into execution progress. Fluid’s management discipline was chosen to operate the PTO, focusing on value realization and supported by an infostructure platform to foster this holistic and value-driven approach to portfolio management.

Fluid enhanced the Client’s ability to manage the transformation as an overall portfolio, increasing coordination of interdependencies, and enabling transparency and efficiency across initiatives. Furthermore, Leadership was able to make better and more informed decisions, relying on accurate information. 

Navigating uncharted waters

Navigating uncharted waters

The Client, a large Bank Institution from Angola, required a Plan for Recapitalization and Restructuring in order to optimize operational costs and reinforce the governance model. This was a challenge that involved all business areas, and Fluid was the chosen approach to manage the transformation program and help shift the institution into a future-proof bank. 

Fluid's management discipline and infostructure established a business-driven approach, connecting delivery to business processes, with team collaboration as a key success factor. Throughout the program's duration, the infostructure played a crucial role in information distribution by acting as a repository for all documents analyzed and produced, as well as the approval workflow involving relevant stakeholders. This way, the PMO was able to easily track the deliverables lifecycle while providing full information access in one single place.

This approach was a critical element in ensuring the quality of implementation, reducing risks, and enabling value delivery to the Client. Structuring the information within a central repository, we were able to increase teams’ autonomy and efficiency while optimizing the PMO’s work through integrated management and reporting.